ASX Announcements

    Recruitment Restarts in ACCENT Pancreatic Cancer Trial  
    Sixth Confirmed Response in Pancreatic Cancer Trial

    FDA Fast Track Designation for Narmafotinib

    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Chris Burns  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    Managing Director AGM Presentation  
    Fifth Confirmed Response in ACCENT Trial

    Amplia Receives R&D Tax Rebate Totalling $3.2 Million  
    Granting of Key Patent in Europe and Japan

    Additional Patient Response in Pancreatic Cancer Trial 

    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report  
    Sustained Reduction in Tumour Size Seen In Pancreatic Trial  
    Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    Section 708A Cleansing Notice  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Bioshares Conference Presentation  
    First 26 Patients recruited in Phase 2A ACCENT Trial  
    Annual General Meeting to be held Friday 23 August 2024  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Robert Peach  
    Presentation and Webinar  


    Amplia Establishes World Class Clinical Advisory Board  
    Appendix 4G - Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures  
    2024 Corporate Governance Statement  
    Preliminary Final Report and Annual Report YE 31 March 2024  
    ASCO Conference Abstract  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Robert Peach  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jane Bell  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Chris Burns  
    Becoming a substantial holder from SOL  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - ATX  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Becoming a substantial holder from PCG  
    Substantial Holder Notice - Blueflag Holding Pty Ltd  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    $4.27m Offer Successfully Completed and ACCENT Trial Update  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report  
    Entitlement Offer - Offer Booklet  
    Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Entitlement Offer Cleansing Statement  
    Rights Issue Investor Slide Deck  
    Fully Underwritten 2 for 5 Entitlement Offer to raise $4.27  
    Trading Halt  
    AACR Conference Presentation  
    Update on ACCENT Trial in Pancreatic Cancer  


    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report  
    FDA Clearance Amplia's IND for Pancreatic Cancer Trial in US  


    Amplia Reports First Patient Dosing In Phase 2a Accent Trial  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Warwick Tong  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Chris Burns  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Robert Peach  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jane Bell  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Approval to Initiate Phase2 Pancreatic Cancer Trial in Korea  
    Appendix 4D and Financial Report Half Year ended 30 Sep 23  
    Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report  
    Promising Clinical Data 1b ACCENT Trial in Pancreatic Cancer  
    Amplia Receives R&D Tax Rebate Totalling $ 2.4 Million  
    AACR Ovarian Cancer Conference Presentation  
    AACR Pancreatic Cancer Conference Presentation  
    New Chief Financial Officer Mr Tim Luscombe  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Robert Peach  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr Christopher Burns  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - ATX  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    CEO and MD Presentation to Annual General Meeting  
    ACCENT Trial Recruitment Update  
    ATX Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - June 23 Qtr  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    ATX - Shareholder Newsletter July 2023  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    AMP945 International Nonproprietary Name Narmafotinib  
    Amplia AGM to be held Thursday 24 August 2023  
    Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures  
    2023 Corporate Governance Statement  
    Annual Report to Shareholders  
    AMP945 and FOLFIRINOX active in model of Pancreatic Cancer  
    Grant to collaborate with CSIRO Supplementary Announcement  
    Amplia receives grant to collaborate with CSIRO  
    ACCENT Trial Recruitment Progress  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - March 23 Qtr  
    First Patient Recruited to Cohort 3 of ACCENT Trial  
    Dose Escalation Approved in ACCENT Clinical Trial of AMP945  
    ACCENT Trial Recruitment Progress  
    ATX - US Conference Presentation  
    AmpliaTherapeutics - Lorne Cancer Conference Presentation  
    First Patient Recruited to Cohort 2 of Accent Trial  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - December 2022  
    Dose Escalation Approved in ACCENT Clinical Trial of AMP945  
    Letter to Shareholders End of Year Summary and 2023 Plans  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - Dr. John Lambert  
    ACCENT Trial Recruitment Progress  
    Appendix 4D and Financial Report Half Year ended 30 Sep 22  
    Amplia Appoints Dr Christopher Burns CEO & Managing Director  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - Sep 2022 Qtr  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - ATX  
    AMP886 Activity in Acute Myeloid Leukemia  
    AACR Conference Presentation  
    CEO Resignation  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - ATX  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Warwick Tong  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Robert Peach  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Christopher Burns  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Mrs. Jane Bell  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. John Lambert  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Amplia Receives $1.8m R&D Tax Incentive  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    CEO & Managing Director Presentation to AGM  
    Annual General Meeting - ESOP and New Constitution  
    Employee Security Ownership Plan  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Warwick Tong  
    First Patient Recruited to ACCENT Trial in Pancreatic Cancer  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - June 2022 Qtr  
    Presentation at Major Pancreatic Cancer Conference  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy - YE 31 March 2022  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Chistopher Burns  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Robert Peach  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. John Lambert  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Warwick Tong  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Annual General Meeting to be held Thursday 25 August 2022  
    Registered Office and Principal Place of Business  
    Notification of Expiry of Unlisted Options  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    AMP945 Shows Efficacy in Model of Lung Fibrosis  
    App 4G - Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures  
    Corporate Governance Statement  
    Preliminary Final Report and Annual Report YE 31 March 2022  
    Amplia Receives Second Ethics Clearance for Phase 2 Trial  
    Amplia Presentation to 16th Bioshares Biotech Summit  
    AMP945 Pre-IND Meeting Outcome  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - March 2022 Qtr  
    Ethics Clearance Phase 2 Trial - Pancreatic Cancer Patients  
    Notification of cessation of securities - ATX  
    AMP945 Improves Survival in Human Pancreatic Cancer Model  
    ATX Abstract accepted for presentation at Cancer Conference  
    Sale of Unmarketable Parcels of Shares  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jane Bell  
    Amplia Investor Presentation - February 2022  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - Dec 2021 Qtr  
    Notification regarding unquoted securities - ATX  
    Amplia Completes Manufacture of AMP945 for Planned Trials  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    App 3Y - Change of Director's Interest - Mrs Jane Bell  
    App 3Y - Change of Director's Interest - Dr. Chris Burns  
    App 3Y - Change of Director's Interest - Dr. Robert Peach  
    App 3Y - Change of Director's Interest - Dr. John Lambert  
    App 3Y - Change of Directors Interest Notice - Dr. W. Tong  
    Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Update - Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Results of Extraordinary General Meeting  
    Amplia Provides Updated Investor Presentation  
    Update - Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Update - Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Entitlement Offer Completed  
    Amplia Awarded $2.1M R&D Cash Flow Loan  
    App 4D and Financial Report Half Year ended 30 Sep 2021  
    Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting - 17 Dec 2021  
    Summary Results - Successful Phase 1 Clinical Trial AMP945  
    Inhibition of FAK by AMP945 in Phase 1 Clinical Trial  
    Becoming a Substantial Holder - Acorn Capital Limited  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Section 708A Cleansing Notice - Share Placement  
    Blueflag Holding - Change of Interest of Substantial Holder  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Proposed issue of securities - ATX  
    Capital Raising Investor Presentation  
    Entitlement Offer Prospectus  
    Placement and Underwritten Entitlement Offer to Raise $12.4m  
    Amplia and CRUK agree to Amend Licence Terms - AMP886  
    Trading Halt  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - Sep 2021 Qtr  
    Amplia Appoints New Oncology Clinical Advisor  
    Amplia Provides Updated Investor Presentation  
    Amplia Receives $1.1m R&D Tax Incentive  
    Amplia Appoints New Chief Financial Officer  
    New Garvan Publication Supports Amplia Phase 2 Design  
    Proactive Investors Lifesciences Webinar Presentation  
    Amplia to Present at Proactive Investor Lifesciences Webinar  
    Phase 2 Trial in First-Line Pancreatic Cancer Patients  
    Updated Investor Presentation  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Jane Bell  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    AGM - Chief Executive Officer's Presentation  
    Annual General Meeting Arrangements  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports and Presentation  
    Shareholder Update and Presentation  
    App 4G - Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures  
    2021 Corporate Governance Statement  
    Annual Report to Shareholders - YE 31 March 2021  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    Results from Successful Phase 1 Clinical Trial of AMP945  
    Financial Report YE 31 March 2021 - Audited  
    Amplia and Garvan Enter Into Collaboration Agreement  
    Annual General Meeting to be Held 27 August 2021  
    Change of Director's Interest - Dr. Lambert Exercise Options  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    Application for quotation of securities - ATX  
    AMP945 Improves Survival in Pancreatic Cancer Model  
    Application for Quotation of Shares - Options Exercised  
    App 4E - Preliminary Final Report YE 31 March 2021  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Section 708A Cleansing Notice - Share Placement  
    Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Shares  
    Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Securties - Options  
    Proposed issue of Securities - ATX  
    Amplia Announces $3.8m Share Placement  
    Trading Halt  
    Preclinical Data Support Development AMP945 Pancreatic Cancer  
    Quarterly Report and Shareholder Update  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - Jane Bell  
    Shareholder Update and Presentation  
    ATX FAK Inhibitors Reduce Fibrosis in Animal Model of NASH  
    Amplia Completes Dosing in Phase 1 Clinical Study of AMP945  
    Amplia Appoints New Non-Executive Director  
    Change of Registered Office and Principal Place of Business  
    Appendix 2A - Exercise of Options  
    Amplia and Garvan Institute Enter Collaboration Agreement  
    Amplia Completes Single Dose Study of AMP945  
    Amplia Initiates Multiple Dose Study of AMP945  
    Appendix 2A - Exercise of Options  
    Investor Update - February 2021  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - Dec 2020 Qtr  
    Appendix 2A - Exercise of Options  
    Shareholder Update - 2020 Review  
    Amplia Receives $0.53m R&D Tax Incentive  
    Appendix 4D and Financial Report Half Year Ended 30 Sep 2020  
    Appendix 2A - Allot Shares upon Exercise of Options  
    Notice ASX LR 3.11.2 - Change of Exercise Price of Options  
    ATX - Sep 2020 Quarter Activities and Cashflow Reports  
    Amplia Presentation to Reach Market Services - Meet the CEO  
    Response to ASX Price Query  
    First Human Dose in Phase 1 Clinical Trial of AMP945  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Warwick Tong  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Robert Peach  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. C. Burns  
    Section 708A Cleansing Notice - Allotment of Shares  
    Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Shares  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    CEO Presentation to AGM  
    Amplia Receives Ethics Clearance to Conduct Phase 1 Trial  
    Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Securities - Options  
    Amplia Appoints Dr Mark Devlin as Chief Scientific Officer  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting & Proxy - YE 31 March 2020  
    Change in Substantial Holding - Blueflag Holdings Pty Ltd  
    Change in Substantial Holding - Platinum Investment Management Limited  
    Change of Director Interest - Dr Lambert - Entitlement Offer  
    Change of Directors Interest - Dr W Tong - Entitlement Offer  
    Appendix 2A - Retail Entitlement Offer  
    Appendix 4G - Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures  
    2020 Corporate Governance Statement  
    Annual Report to Shareholders - YE 31 March 2020  
    Entitlement Offer Completed  
    Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - June 2020  
    Nucleus Network Appointed to Conduct Phase 1 Clinical Trial  
    AGM to be held Friday 18 September 2020  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Dr. Warwick Tong  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Change in substantial holding  
    Appendix 2A - Institutional Entitlement Offer  
    Entitlement Offer - Despatch of Retail Offer Booklet  
    Institutional Entitlement Offer Completed  
    Appendix 3B - Rights Issue  
    Entitlement Offer Cleansing Notice  
    Capital Raising - Investor Presentation  
    Entitlement Offer to Fund Phase 1 Clinical Trial  
    Preclinical Toxicology Studies Support Phase1 Clinical Trial  
    Trading Halt  
    Full Year Statutory Accounts - YE 31 March 2020  
    Investor Presentation  
    Preliminary Final Report - YE 31 March 2020  
    FDA Orphan Drug Designation - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis  
    Quarterly Activities Report - March 2020 Qtr  
    App 4C - Quarterly Cash Flow Report - March 2020 Qtr  
    Shares to be Released from Voluntary Escrow  
    FDA Awards Orphan Drug Designation for Pancreatic Cancer  
    Professor Paul Timpson Joins Amplia's SAB  
    Initial Director's Interest Notice - John Lambert  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - Behrenbruch  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - Wilkinson  
    Final Director's Interest Notice - Cooke  
    Dr. John Lambert appointed as Managing Director  
    Board Restructuring  
    Placement Cleasing Statement  
    Appendix 4C Cash Flow - Dec 2019 Qtr  
    Ceasing to be a substantial holder - Behrenbruch  
    Becoming a substantial holder  
    Appendix 3B - Placement  
    Amplia Therapeutics Undertakes Placement  
    Trading Halt  
    Change of Registered Office and Principal Place of Business  
    Shareholder Update / 2019 Review  
    App 4D - Financial Report Half Year Ended 30 Sep 2019  
    App 4C - Sep 2019 Qtr Cash Flows Statement  
    Change of Director's Interest - Dr Robert Peach - Placement  
    Change of Director's Interest - Dr C Behrenbruch - Placement  
    Change of Director's Interest - Dr Warwick Tong, Placement  
    Placement Cleansing Notice  
    App 3B Placement Shares and Options to Directors and Mgt  
    Amplia Therapeutics Provides Manufacturing Update  
    Results of Annual General Meeting  
    Change of Director's Interest - S Wilkinson - Options Lapsed  
    Amplia Therapeutics - Quarterly Update  
    Change of Director's Interest - Dr Warwick Tong Rights Issue  
    Change of Director's Interest - Dr Chris Burns, Rights Issue  
    Change of Director's Interest - Andrew Cooke, Rights Issue  
    Appendix 4C - Quarterly Cash Flow Report - June 2019 Qtr  
    RightsIssue Participation Supports Clinical-Enabling Studies  
    Amplia Therapeutics - Bioshares Presentation July 2019  
    Appendix 4G - Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures  
    2019 Corporate Governance Statement  
    Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form  
    Annual Report to Shareholders - YE 31 March 2019  
    Amplia Therapeutics Reports Lead Candidate Preclinical Data  
    Amplia to present to Bioshares Biotech Summit  
    Update - July 2019 Newsletter  
    Letter to Shareholders - Rights Issue  
    Appendix 3B - Rights Issue  
    Rights Issue Prospectus  
    Financial Report Year Ended 31 March 2019  
    Dr John Lambert appointed as new CEO  
    Preliminary Rights Issue Details  
    Placement Cleansing Notice  
    Appendix 3B - Placement $360k  
    Capital Raising for Clinical-Enabling Studies  
    Preliminary Final Report - Year Ended 31 March 2019  
    Appendix 4C - Quarterly Statement of Cash Flows  
    European Patent Completes IP Protection in Major Markets  
    Amplia Expands Advisory Board  
    Update - February 2019 Newsletter  
    App 4D Half Year Accounts 30 Sep 2018  
    Change of Director's Interest - Wilkinson - Options Expired  
    Change of Director's Interest Notice - Andrew Cooke  
    Appendix 4C - quarterly  
    Amplia Investor Introduction  
    Change of Name to Amplia Therapeutics Limited - ATX  
    Change of Director's Interest - Cooke - Options  
    Change of Director's Interest - Peach - Options  
    Change of Director's Interest - Wilkinson - Options  
    Appendix 3B - Options